Yoga for Receiving an Answer / 30 Minute Yoga

Movement is one of my favorite ways to receive an answer or clarity around a question or situation. Use this class to ground and calm, clearing room to hear intuitive guidance.

Class Mantra (let your mind rest on this phrase while you move)

I am willing to receive an answer. I trust my inner guidance.

Please keep in mind that some of the sequences or movements in this class may be challenging if you are just learning the poses, have limited mobility, or sensitivity. However, you always have the option to try whatever works for your body and opt out of poses / take breaks during sequences that don’t work for you right now.

Tips for getting into Toe Stand:
Deep breath in, making a “shhhh” sound as you release the breath through your mouth. The “shhh” sound will help to engage the core; draw the belly button towards the spine and lift the knees in one motion. Try it and let it go. You’ll train your core to engage and support this pose with practice.

*I do not mirror in this video, so it will look like I’m moving in the opposite direction as you. Follow my verbal directions or follow along visually (in which case you will be moving opposite to my verbal direction).

Journal Prompt

(best Practice: do this exercise before taking the class):

Get out your journal or the notes app in your phone. (I prefer physical writing when I’m engaging my spiritual practice but you do you!!). Write down the question / situation (try to be as clear and concise as possible). Free write on the situation: here’s where you can allow all the angles, fears, and questions to come up and out onto the paper. When you’ve written all that you want to write, go back to your original question / situation: Take a deep breath in, let the free write go. Exhale the breath, trust that you will be guided to receive clarity.

Get ready to receive guidance. It may come at any time through during class or in the days after. It may come through nudges, inspiration, new ideas, people around you… listen in!

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Chair Yoga with Standing Poses / 40 Minute Yoga

During a chair yoga practice, we use the chair as a prop to help ground, stabilize, and support our poses as we move to the best of our own individual abilities. Together we’ll restore and energize our bodies and our minds with gentle and accessible movement. There is a standing section towards the middle of this class where we will use the chair to help us balance as we try several standing postures. Please make sure you are in a space and use a chair that will facilitate these standing poses in a safe way. You always have the option to skip this section (simply fast forward the video or remain seated throughout the standing section).

*Keep in mind: You never have to hold poses for the full count duration or complete the full set of exercises. Do what you can, when you can. Take breaks and when you are ready, rejoin us in the movements.

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Yoga for Releasing Anger / 13 Minute Yoga

Anger can protect us and fire us up.  But when it gets stuck, it’s no longer serving us.  And it’s time to move it out.

Class Mantra (let your mind rest on this phrase while you move):

It is safe to release my anger.

Please keep in mind that some of the sequences or movements in this class may be challenging if you are just learning the poses, have limited mobility, or sensitivity. However, you always have the option to try whatever works for your body and opt out of poses / take breaks during sequences that don’t work for you right now.

*I do not mirror in this video, so it will look like I’m moving in the opposite direction as you. Follow my verbal directions or follow along visually (in which case you will be moving opposite to my verbal direction).

Pair your physical practice with the Releasing Difficult Emotions Guided Meditation to support deeper healing and processing.

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Chair Yoga for Mobility / 40 Minute Yoga

Chair Yoga utilizes the chair as a prop to help ground, stabilize, and support our poses as we move to the best of our own individual abilities. Together we’ll restore and energize our bodies and our minds with gentle and accessible movement. In this class, we will move through a series of postures that will develop fluid and pain free range of motion.

*Keep in mind: You never have to hold poses for the full count duration or complete the full set of exercises. Do what you can, when you can. Take breaks and when you are ready, rejoin us in the movements.

Follow @boldyogastudio for laughs, updates, and more!

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Prosperity / Guided Meditations

* This is your practice and there is no wrong way to meditate. Take what you need and discard the rest.
*If you're still learning to meditate, feel free to play these guided meditations in the background as you work, or do chores.

For more information on Adriana, visit: or follow her on Instagram @mindful.dose

3 minutes

Reconnect with any energy you've spent and bring yourself back to a fresh start.

5 minutes

Reconnect with the energy you've spent and recollect yourself to envision expansion. Hone in on the expansion effort to invite feelings of prosperity.

10 minutes

Reconnect with the energy you've spent and recollect yourself to envision expansion. In this expanded meditation, we practice a mantra to invite prosperity in and maintain and expansive energy flow.

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Chair Yoga for Strength / 35 Minute Yoga

Chair Yoga utilizes the chair as a prop to help ground, stabilize, and support our poses as we move to the best of our own individual abilities. Together we’ll restore and energize our bodies and our minds.

In this class, we will move through a series of postures that will develop fluid range of motion and overall muscle strength.

*Keep in mind: You never have to hold poses for the full count duration or complete the full exercise set. Do what you can, when you can. Take breaks and when you are ready, rejoin the class. Over time, you’ll notice that your endurance will expand with each class you take!

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Yoga for Balance / 30 Minute Yoga

Having good balance helps in preventing falls, injury, and making your daily activities easier to perform. Maintaining balance is a complex task that requires coordination from your muscles, tendons, bones, eyes, ears and brain. This class uses specific poses and sequences to engage the body in practicing and strengthening balance.

Please keep in mind that while this is a beginners class, some of the sequences or movements in this class may still be challenging if you are just learning the poses, have limited mobility, or sensitivity. However, you always have the option to try whatever works for your body and opt out of poses / take breaks during sequences that don’t work for you right now.


*There is no cue for moving off of a pillow or block, please do so after the opening breathwork, before we begin moving the body.

*I do not mirror in this video, so it will look like I’m moving in the opposite direction as you. Follow my verbal directions or follow along visually (in which case you will be moving opposite to my verbal direction).

Follow @boldyogastudio for laughs, updates, and more!

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Yoga for Backbends / 25 Minute Yoga

Improve back flexibility, mobility, and strength with this Introduction to backbends class. Backbends have the added benefit of promoting posture and relieving tension and tightness.

Please keep in mind that while this is a beginners class, some of the sequences or movements in this class may still be challenging if you are just learning the poses, have limited mobility, or sensitivity. However, you always have the option to try whatever works for your body and opt out of poses / take breaks during sequences that don’t work for you right now.


*There is no cue for moving off of a pillow or block, please do so after the opening breathwork, before be begin moving the body.

*I do not mirror in this video, so it will look like I’m moving in the opposite direction as you. Follow my verbal directions or follow along visually (in which case you will be moving opposite to my verbal direction).

Follow @boldyogastudio for laughs, updates, and more!

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Yoga for Grieving / 25 Minute Yoga

Whether you are in active mourning or passing through a time of grief, I hope this class provides you with support, peace, and comfort.

Class Mantra (let your mind rest on this phrase while you move):

It is safe to mourn. I am loved and supported in my grief process.

Please keep in mind that some of the sequences or movements in this class may be challenging if you are just learning the poses, have limited mobility, or sensitivity. However, you always have the option to try whatever works for your body and opt out of poses / take breaks during sequences that don’t work for you right now.

*Cue Correction at 3:22- Reclined Spinal Twist, hugging right knee to chest: use the left hand to guide the RIGHT knee across the body to the left side.

*I do not mirror in this video, so it will look like I’m moving in the opposite direction as you. Follow my verbal directions or follow along visually (in which case you will be moving opposite to my verbal direction).

Listen to this 10 Minute Guided Meditation to receive more support in your grieving process:

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Amor y Paz / Meditaciones Guiadas en Espanol

Consejos para su práctica de meditación:
* Este es tu práctica. Quítese la presión y deje que la meditación sonido se siente en el fondo de lo que sea que estés haciendo.
*Si está creando un tiempo para sentarse y concentrarse por completo en la meditación, toma su tiempo empezando con el de 3 minutos para familiarizarse con el estilo. Cuando se sienta cómodo con la práctica, aumente su tiempo observando las meditaciones más largas hasta que se sienta cómodo nuevamente para crecer.

Para obtener más información de Adriana, visite: o sígala en Instagram @mindful.dose

3 minutos

Conéctate con el poder de tu corazón en esta meditación. Esto es perfecto para practicantes principiantes. La meditación guiada es detallada y completa.

5 minutos

Conéctate con el poder de tu corazón en esta meditación. Concentra tu energía en la paz y el amor que el corazón puede sentir.

10 minutos

Conéctate con el poder de tu corazón en esta meditación. Concentra tu energía en la paz y el amor que el corazón puede sentir. Usamos la técnica de meditación de bondad amorosa para lograr esto.

Eagle Pose: Balance Tutorial

Review the Pose: Supported Shoulder Stand (Garudasana)

Alignment Cues-
*Weight is evenly distributed between all four corners of standing foot.
*Lower the booty down to drop your center of gravity and create a better shelf for the top leg / squeeze the legs together.
Let your gaze rest on a non moving spot to help with balance.

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Shoulder Stand: Inversion Tutorial

Review the Pose: Supported Shoulder Stand (Salamba Sarvangasana)

Alignment Cues-
*Pull the toes up towards the sky to lift the body UP rather than dump the body’s weight into your supporting hands.
*Tuck the tailbone, draw the belly button to the spine, and move the hips forward to engage the core.
*Position the chin toward the chest to encourage a long neck resting on the ground and move the gaze toward the navel.

This position always feels a bit cramped to me. If you’re like me, work on creating more space by pulling UP. Stay for a few rounds of breath before lowering down with control.

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Pre and Post Workout Stretch / 5 Minute Yoga

Bring yourself close to a wall for your Pre Workout Stretch, you’ll need it for 2 parts of the practice.

Pre Workout Stretching can help you warm-up the body and act as a transition between the normal flow of your day and your workout. Watch and move along to this 5 minute yoga practice at the beginning of your workout routine.
*Best place for it: right before you begin your cardio warm-up!

Post Workout Stretching reduces your risk of injury, improves flexibility and mobility, and reduces muscle stiffness/pain. It aids in the muscles recovery process so you actually do feel great after a workout! Watch and move along to this 5 minute yoga practice at the end of your workout routine.
*Best place for it: right after you workout (before you shower, leave the gym, etc.)!

Follow @boldyogastudio for laughs, updates, and more!

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Yoga for Overflow / 25 Minute Yoga

Consider this a Draino class for your money pipes. When the pipes are clogged; there’s blocks and resistance. When the pipes are cleared; there’s flow. Let’s unclog the pipes!

Class Mantra (let your mind rest on this phrase while you move):

Money flows effortlessly and consistently into my life.

Please keep in mind that some of the sequences or movements in this class may be challenging if you are just learning the poses, have limited mobility, or sensitivity. However, you always have the option to try whatever works for your body and opt out of poses / take breaks during sequences that don’t work for you right now.

If you’ve never done Fairydog Leaps before, practice this tutorial:

Deepen your Overflow practice by listening to this 10 Minute Guided Meditation on Prosperity!

Breath Stages / Guided Meditations

Tips for your meditation practice: 
* This is your practice and there is no wrong way to meditate. Take what you need and discard the rest.
*If you're still learning to meditate, feel free to play these guided meditations in the background as you work, or do chores.

For more information on Adriana, visit: or follow her on Instagram @mindful.dose

3 Minutes

Take a brief moment to settle your breath and body with the 3 part breathing method. Adriana will lead you through the early phases of your meditation practice to go directly to grounding your energy.

5 Minutes

Move through the breath stages to slow down your thoughts and mellow out from the hustle and bustle of the day.

10 Minutes

Use this full 10 minute guided meditation to center into a safe, calm space to reflect and ground your energy.

Follow @boldyogastudio for laughs, updates, and more!

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Fairydog Leaps: Inversion Tutorial

Fairydog Leaps are my favorite inversion practice for finding “float”. Float is when you have complete control as you kick up and as you lower back down. The goal of your fairydog leap is NOT to kick up to a handstand but rather to feel some hang time in between the ascent and descent. So don’t worry if you only leap an inch (or even less) off the floor.

Alignment Cues:

*External rotation in your shoulders.
*Walk your feet in to shorten your downdog and begin to stack your wrists underneath your shoulders.
*Use the power exhale to engage the core and force your next inhale.

As you gain strength and control, try to straighten out your “push-off” leg (once lifted off the mat) so that your legs are making the shape of the letter L.

Follow @boldyogastudio for laughs, updates, and more!

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Side Plank: Alignment and Modifications

Review the Pose: Side Plank (Vasisthasana). Find the option that works best in your body and use that form whenever “side plank” is called during a class. Come back to this video and revisit proper alignment when you are ready to move to another form of the pose.

*In all expressions of the pose, remember to reach through your heels and imagine lengthening your body to create a long line from your heels to your head. Gaze straight ahead at a steady point to anchor your balance. Draw the belly button into the spine to engage your core.

Follow @boldyogastudio for laughs, updates, and more!

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Core / 15 Minute Yoga

A strong core stabilizes the entire body; supporting the spine, the back, hips, knees, and on and on. When we focus on building core strength, we get the added benefit of developing stamina and control.

*Pause the class to take breaks when needed and feel free to skip the full count if you want. Maximize the benefits by listening to your body and tailoring your practice to your comfort.
*Practice drawing your belly button to your spine and engaging the core for as many of these poses as you. Over time, you can try to hold your engaged core for longer and longer stretches during your practice.
*Remember to breathe! Draw the breath in through the nose and make a “shhhhhh” sound as you release the breathe through the mouth.


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Legs / 15 Minute Yoga

Targeting leg and ankle strength will create a stable base for your practice; supporting and grounding each pose.

Pause the class to take breaks when needed and feel free to skip the full count if you want. Maximize the benefits by listening to your body and tailoring your practice to your comfort.

Follow @boldyogastudio for laughs, updates, and more!

Tag @boldyogastudio so we can build a BOLD community of yogis together!