Yoga for Grieving / 25 Minute Yoga

Whether you are in active mourning or passing through a time of grief, I hope this class provides you with support, peace, and comfort.

Class Mantra (let your mind rest on this phrase while you move):

It is safe to mourn. I am loved and supported in my grief process.

Please keep in mind that some of the sequences or movements in this class may be challenging if you are just learning the poses, have limited mobility, or sensitivity. However, you always have the option to try whatever works for your body and opt out of poses / take breaks during sequences that don’t work for you right now.

*Cue Correction at 3:22- Reclined Spinal Twist, hugging right knee to chest: use the left hand to guide the RIGHT knee across the body to the left side.

*I do not mirror in this video, so it will look like I’m moving in the opposite direction as you. Follow my verbal directions or follow along visually (in which case you will be moving opposite to my verbal direction).

Listen to this 10 Minute Guided Meditation to receive more support in your grieving process:

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