Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga: Energizing Poses / 30 Minute Yoga


In this Chair Yoga class with Sam, we will move through a series of postures that will heat up and energize the body. Use a sturdy chair with all four legs planted evenly and firmly on the floor to help ground, stabilize, and support you as you move to the best of our own individual ability. Follow along with any modification cues that feel right for you and remember to adjust the position of any pose to fit your comfort.

THE POSES IN THIS CLASS MAY BE CHALLENGING: Never hold any pose that causes discomfort. You never have to hold a pose in a specific way, for the full count duration, or complete the full exercise set. Do what you can, when you can. Take breaks and when you are ready, rejoin the class. Feel into the freedom of creating your own practice that works best for you in your body.

Follow @boldyogastudio for tips on creating a functional daily yoga practice.

Chair Yoga: Head to Toe Stretch / 40 Minute Yoga


In this Chair Yoga class with Sam, we will move through a series of postures that will stretch your body from head to toe. Use a sturdy chair with all four legs planted evenly and firmly on the floor to help ground, stabilize, and support you as you move to the best of our own individual ability. Follow along with any modification cues that feel right for you and remember to adjust the position of any pose to fit your comfort.

THERE ARE SOME POSES IN THIS CLASS THAT MAY BE CHALLENGING: Never hold any pose that causes discomfort. You never have to hold a pose in a specific way, for the full count duration, or complete the full exercise set. Do what you can, when you can. Take breaks and when you are ready, rejoin the class. Feel into the freedom of creating your own practice that works best for you in your body.

Follow @boldyogastudio for tips on creating a functional daily yoga practice.

Chair Yoga with Standing Poses / 40 Minute Yoga

During a chair yoga practice, we use the chair as a prop to help ground, stabilize, and support our poses as we move to the best of our own individual abilities. Together we’ll restore and energize our bodies and our minds with gentle and accessible movement. There is a standing section towards the middle of this class where we will use the chair to help us balance as we try several standing postures. Please make sure you are in a space and use a chair that will facilitate these standing poses in a safe way. You always have the option to skip this section (simply fast forward the video or remain seated throughout the standing section).

*Keep in mind: You never have to hold poses for the full count duration or complete the full set of exercises. Do what you can, when you can. Take breaks and when you are ready, rejoin us in the movements.

Follow @boldyogastudio for laughs, updates, and more!

Tag @boldyogastudio so we can build a BOLD community of yogis together!

Chair Yoga for Mobility / 40 Minute Yoga

Chair Yoga utilizes the chair as a prop to help ground, stabilize, and support our poses as we move to the best of our own individual abilities. Together we’ll restore and energize our bodies and our minds with gentle and accessible movement. In this class, we will move through a series of postures that will develop fluid and pain free range of motion.

*Keep in mind: You never have to hold poses for the full count duration or complete the full set of exercises. Do what you can, when you can. Take breaks and when you are ready, rejoin us in the movements.

Follow @boldyogastudio for laughs, updates, and more!

Tag @boldyogastudio so we can build a BOLD community of yogis together!

Chair Yoga for Strength / 35 Minute Yoga

Chair Yoga utilizes the chair as a prop to help ground, stabilize, and support our poses as we move to the best of our own individual abilities. Together we’ll restore and energize our bodies and our minds.

In this class, we will move through a series of postures that will develop fluid range of motion and overall muscle strength.

*Keep in mind: You never have to hold poses for the full count duration or complete the full exercise set. Do what you can, when you can. Take breaks and when you are ready, rejoin the class. Over time, you’ll notice that your endurance will expand with each class you take!

Follow @boldyogastudio for laughs, updates, and more!

Tag @boldyogastudio so we can build a BOLD community of yogis together!

Chair Yoga / 30 Minute Yoga

Chair Yoga utilizes the chair as a prop to help ground, stabilize, and support our poses as we move to the best of our own individual abilities. Together we’ll restore and energize our bodies and our minds.

We move through a series of postures that will develop fluid range of motion and overall muscle strength.

*Keep in mind: You never have to hold poses for the full count duration. Do what you can, when you can. Take breaks and come back to the class when you’re ready. Watch your endurance expand with each class you take!

Follow @boldyogastudio for laughs, updates, and more!

Tag @boldyogastudio so we can build a BOLD community of yogis together!

Chair Yoga / 35 Minute Yoga

Chair Yoga utilizes the chair as a prop to help ground, stabilize, and support our poses as we move to the best of our own individual abilities. Together we’ll restore and energize our bodies and our minds.

We move through a series of postures that will develop fluid range of motion and overall muscle strength.

*Keep in mind: You never have to hold poses for the full count duration. Do what you can, when you can. Take breaks and come back to the class when you’re ready. Watch your endurance expand with each class you take!

Follow @boldyogastudio for laughs, updates, and more!

Tag @boldyogastudio so we can build a BOLD community of yogis together!