How to

Pigeon Pose: Hip Opener Tutorial

Review the Pose: Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)

Alignment Cues-
*Square hips as much as possible (use a pillow, folded blanket, or yoga block to prop up hip of bend knee side), work towards the front bend knee’s shin running parallel to the top of the mat.
*Your rear leg should be in a neutral position (not rotated outward), flat on the floor. Tuck your toes under and lift your thigh up off the mat to adjust so your hips are square. Look backward and make sure that your back foot is pointing straight back.

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Crow Pose: Arm Balance Tutorial

Review the Pose: Crow Pose (Kakasana)

Alignment Cues-
*Hands are about shoulder distance apart, fingers are gripping the mat
*Look forward, lean forward, move forward
*Come onto the balls of your feet and lift your hips high. Bring your knees toward your upper arms.
*Firmly press your knees to your upper arms OR squeeze the knees against the elbows (depending on which version you are taking)
*Keep lifting the tailbone up, towards the sky
*Engage the core (inhale through the nose, exhale make a shhh sound out of the mouth), draw the heels towards the booty.

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How to Exit Savasana Pose: Tutorial

Review the Pose: Corpse / Final Relaxation (Savasana)

*Bring movement back into the body and lift into a seated position using as little effort as possible, so as not to build heat after the body has cooled.

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Eagle Pose: Balance Tutorial

Review the Pose: Supported Shoulder Stand (Garudasana)

Alignment Cues-
*Weight is evenly distributed between all four corners of standing foot.
*Lower the booty down to drop your center of gravity and create a better shelf for the top leg / squeeze the legs together.
Let your gaze rest on a non moving spot to help with balance.

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Shoulder Stand: Inversion Tutorial

Review the Pose: Supported Shoulder Stand (Salamba Sarvangasana)

Alignment Cues-
*Pull the toes up towards the sky to lift the body UP rather than dump the body’s weight into your supporting hands.
*Tuck the tailbone, draw the belly button to the spine, and move the hips forward to engage the core.
*Position the chin toward the chest to encourage a long neck resting on the ground and move the gaze toward the navel.

This position always feels a bit cramped to me. If you’re like me, work on creating more space by pulling UP. Stay for a few rounds of breath before lowering down with control.

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Fairydog Leaps: Inversion Tutorial

Fairydog Leaps are my favorite inversion practice for finding “float”. Float is when you have complete control as you kick up and as you lower back down. The goal of your fairydog leap is NOT to kick up to a handstand but rather to feel some hang time in between the ascent and descent. So don’t worry if you only leap an inch (or even less) off the floor.

Alignment Cues:

*External rotation in your shoulders.
*Walk your feet in to shorten your downdog and begin to stack your wrists underneath your shoulders.
*Use the power exhale to engage the core and force your next inhale.

As you gain strength and control, try to straighten out your “push-off” leg (once lifted off the mat) so that your legs are making the shape of the letter L.

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Side Plank: Alignment and Modifications

Review the Pose: Side Plank (Vasisthasana). Find the option that works best in your body and use that form whenever “side plank” is called during a class. Come back to this video and revisit proper alignment when you are ready to move to another form of the pose.

*In all expressions of the pose, remember to reach through your heels and imagine lengthening your body to create a long line from your heels to your head. Gaze straight ahead at a steady point to anchor your balance. Draw the belly button into the spine to engage your core.

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