Yoga Fire

Breathing For Your Pelvic Floor / 15 minute Breathework Practice

I practiced these breathing techniques everyday during my pelvic floor rehabilitation journey; healing from complete bladder incontinence to regaining full control of my bladder and returning to normal function!

Don’t worry if you feel like you can’t feel anything or you’re struggling to isolate your muscles groups. I couldn’t feel a single thing for awhile (easily a couple of weeks) in the beginning and to be honest I’m still learning to isolate the muscles…sometime I get it, most of the time I don’t, all the time I’m trying my best and keeping my focus on the engagement.

*DO NOT PRACTICE THIS TECHNIQUE IF YOU ARE PREGNANT OR BELIEVE YOU MIGHT BE PREGNANT. Breath retentions can increase intra-abdominal pressure and reduce the amount of oxygen available to the baby.

After watching the video for the first time, you can go right into the practice by skipping to minute 2:23.

Pre and Post Workout Stretch / 5 Minute Yoga

Bring yourself close to a wall for your Pre Workout Stretch, you’ll need it for 2 parts of the practice.

Pre Workout Stretching can help you warm-up the body and act as a transition between the normal flow of your day and your workout. Watch and move along to this 5 minute yoga practice at the beginning of your workout routine.
*Best place for it: right before you begin your cardio warm-up!

Post Workout Stretching reduces your risk of injury, improves flexibility and mobility, and reduces muscle stiffness/pain. It aids in the muscles recovery process so you actually do feel great after a workout! Watch and move along to this 5 minute yoga practice at the end of your workout routine.
*Best place for it: right after you workout (before you shower, leave the gym, etc.)!

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Core / 15 Minute Yoga

A strong core stabilizes the entire body; supporting the spine, the back, hips, knees, and on and on. When we focus on building core strength, we get the added benefit of developing stamina and control.

*Pause the class to take breaks when needed and feel free to skip the full count if you want. Maximize the benefits by listening to your body and tailoring your practice to your comfort.
*Practice drawing your belly button to your spine and engaging the core for as many of these poses as you. Over time, you can try to hold your engaged core for longer and longer stretches during your practice.
*Remember to breathe! Draw the breath in through the nose and make a “shhhhhh” sound as you release the breathe through the mouth.


Follow @boldyogastudio for laughs, updates, and more!

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Legs / 15 Minute Yoga

Targeting leg and ankle strength will create a stable base for your practice; supporting and grounding each pose.

Pause the class to take breaks when needed and feel free to skip the full count if you want. Maximize the benefits by listening to your body and tailoring your practice to your comfort.

Follow @boldyogastudio for laughs, updates, and more!

Tag @boldyogastudio so we can build a BOLD community of yogis together!

Booty / 15 Minute Yoga

***EDITING ERROR: During the editing process the first leg sequence (Rainbow Leg Lifts on the left side) was accidentally cut. You can pause the video and do 3 full rotations before lowering into the side stretch OR you can complete your full 3 rotations at the end of the sequence or at the end of the class! ***

This low impact strength training class will build muscle, endurance and cardiovascular fitness while targeting the glutes. These movements will help with overall mobility that will benefit your entire yoga practice. Added bonus: you’ll feel really good after 15 minutes of getting your heart rate up!

Follow @boldyogastudio for laughs, updates, and more!

Tag @boldyogastudio so we can build a BOLD community of yogis together!

Arms / 15 Minute Yoga

Targeting arm strength and mobility will benefit the progress of your yoga practice as a whole; allowing you to move deeper into some poses, access new poses, and generally feel more stable during your time on your mat.

Bonus challenge:
*Hold your plank and forearm plank during all modification explanations.

Follow @boldyogastudio for laughs, updates, and more!

Tag @boldyogastudio so we can build a BOLD community of yogis together!