Unlock Your Flexibility / 33 Minute Yoga

I LOVE a good flexibility class. Afterwards I feel like I stand taller, move more freely, and have an renewed emotional elasticity. When my body feels less tight and constricted, I’m less likely to fall into a sour mood or short temper flare. Flexibility in my body leads to flexibility in my daily experience.. plus there’s the added bonus of being less injury and accident prone. All in all increasing your comfort factor with a juicy flexibility class is where it’s at.

If you’d like to go right into the physical practice, skip to the 5:50 minute mark.

Breathing For Your Pelvic Floor / 15 minute Breathework Practice

I practiced these breathing techniques everyday during my pelvic floor rehabilitation journey; healing from complete bladder incontinence to regaining full control of my bladder and returning to normal function!

Don’t worry if you feel like you can’t feel anything or you’re struggling to isolate your muscles groups. I couldn’t feel a single thing for awhile (easily a couple of weeks) in the beginning and to be honest I’m still learning to isolate the muscles…sometime I get it, most of the time I don’t, all the time I’m trying my best and keeping my focus on the engagement.

*DO NOT PRACTICE THIS TECHNIQUE IF YOU ARE PREGNANT OR BELIEVE YOU MIGHT BE PREGNANT. Breath retentions can increase intra-abdominal pressure and reduce the amount of oxygen available to the baby.

After watching the video for the first time, you can go right into the practice by skipping to minute 2:23.

Move with Ease / 60 Minute Yoga


Let’s get into our joint mobility (the joint's ability to move freely through its range of motion). We’ll focus on building strength and suppleness in the ligaments and muscles in order to allow our joints to move with more freedom and ease.

NO PROPS NECESSARY- but feel free to use yoga blocks (or stack of books) or folded blanket for comfort.

Please keep in mind that some of the sequences or movements in this class may be challenging if you are just learning the poses, have limited mobility, or sensitivity. However, you always have the option to try whatever works for your body and opt out of poses / take breaks during sequences that don’t work for you right now.

Originally Taught on Facebook on June 30, 2022.

Chair Yoga: Energizing Poses / 30 Minute Yoga


In this Chair Yoga class with Sam, we will move through a series of postures that will heat up and energize the body. Use a sturdy chair with all four legs planted evenly and firmly on the floor to help ground, stabilize, and support you as you move to the best of our own individual ability. Follow along with any modification cues that feel right for you and remember to adjust the position of any pose to fit your comfort.

THE POSES IN THIS CLASS MAY BE CHALLENGING: Never hold any pose that causes discomfort. You never have to hold a pose in a specific way, for the full count duration, or complete the full exercise set. Do what you can, when you can. Take breaks and when you are ready, rejoin the class. Feel into the freedom of creating your own practice that works best for you in your body.

Follow @boldyogastudio for tips on creating a functional daily yoga practice.

Pelvic Floor Express / 12 Minute Yoga


Born from my own personal struggle with drips and leaks after having my baby boy, this class includes many of the exercises I used to regain control and reestablish pelvic floor strength. Rebuilding the pelvic floor can be a slow healing process with embarrassing setbacks but we can keep moving forward together. Whether you experience drips when you laugh, cough, or sneeze OR leaks before making it to the bathroom, you are not alone. This class is here for you and will support your pelvic floor progress.

If (after this class) you still feel like there’s more room for improvement, visit a pelvic floor specialist. We do not have to accept leaks and drips as inevitable!

Chair Yoga: Head to Toe Stretch / 40 Minute Yoga


In this Chair Yoga class with Sam, we will move through a series of postures that will stretch your body from head to toe. Use a sturdy chair with all four legs planted evenly and firmly on the floor to help ground, stabilize, and support you as you move to the best of our own individual ability. Follow along with any modification cues that feel right for you and remember to adjust the position of any pose to fit your comfort.

THERE ARE SOME POSES IN THIS CLASS THAT MAY BE CHALLENGING: Never hold any pose that causes discomfort. You never have to hold a pose in a specific way, for the full count duration, or complete the full exercise set. Do what you can, when you can. Take breaks and when you are ready, rejoin the class. Feel into the freedom of creating your own practice that works best for you in your body.

Follow @boldyogastudio for tips on creating a functional daily yoga practice.

Release Tension and Soreness in Tight Thighs / No Prop Yoga


In this class, we start with 40 minutes of a Full Body Flow to warm up our muscles and then end with 20 minutes of long hold poses for release and relaxation.

NO PROPS NECESSARY- but feel free to use yoga blocks (or stack of books) or folded blanket for comfort.

Please keep in mind that some of the sequences or movements in this class may be challenging if you are just learning the poses, have limited mobility, or sensitivity. However, you always have the option to try whatever works for your body and opt out of poses / take breaks during sequences that don’t work for you right now.

Originally Taught on Facebook on March 15, 2021.

Follow @boldyogastudio for tips on creating a functional daily yoga practice.

Yoga for Forgiveness / 20 Minute Yoga

In his miraculous work The Book of Forgiving, Desmond Tutu outlines a workable path to forgiveness through empathy, acknowledgement, and perspective. Our yoga practice helps us to develop those skills; supporting our forgiveness work. I hope this class can hold space for you as you navigate through active forgiveness.

Pair your physical practice with the Releasing Difficult Emotions Guided Meditation to support deeper healing and processing.

Follow @boldyogastudio for tips on creating a functional daily yoga practice.

Releasing Difficult Emotions / Guided Meditation

Find solace in this meditation by releasing any difficult emotions you’re experiencing. The practice of letting go can teach us about creating space between stimulus and response.  

Tips for your meditation practice: 
* This is your practice and there is no wrong way to meditate. Take what you need and let go of the rest.
* If you're still learning to meditate, feel free to play these guided meditations in the background as you work, or do chores.
* Even if you meditate for 1 minute, the experience still counts!

Pair this meditation with a physical practice (Yoga for Releasing Anger or Yoga for Forgiveness) to support deeper healing and processing.

For more information on Adriana, visit: https://www.mindful-dose.com/ or follow her on Instagram @mindful.dose

Follow @boldyogastudio for tips on creating a functional daily yoga practice.

Tons of Spinal Twists / No Prop Yoga


A full body flow class with a ton of spinal twists. Spinal twists can help to restore and retain the spine’s natural range of mobility with the added bonus of relaxing the muscles in the shoulders and back.

NO PROPS NECESSARY- but feel free to use a yoga strap (pair of leggings or sweatshirt for ease) or folded blanket for comfort.

Originally Taught on Facebook in 2020.

Follow @boldyogastudio for tips on creating a functional daily yoga practice.

Yoga for Tree Pose / 60 Minute Yoga


A grounding class for personal growth; rooting your feet down into the earth and reaching through your fingertips to the sky . We will engage focus and attention to find balance.

This class will target hamstrings and hips, strengthening the lower body. While practicing tree pose will improve posture and balance by learning to extend through the spine and engage the core.

Please keep in mind that while this is a beginners class, some of the sequences or movements in this class may still be challenging if you are just learning the poses, have limited mobility, or sensitivity. However, you always have the option to try whatever works for your body and opt out of poses / take breaks during sequences that don’t work for you right now.

Follow @boldyogastudio for tips on creating a functional daily yoga practice.

Introduction to Astrology Workshop

Get ready to explore the mysteries of the cosmos. Discover the foundational principles of Astrology, explore the intricate cycles of planets and zodiac signs, and learn how to connect that to your own personal birth chart.

Adriana (@mindful.dose) is our Bold Yoga meditation teacher as well as our resident astrology practitioner. With her years of study and expertise, she will guide you on a journey of a self-discovery and personal growth at Mindful-Dose.

Manifestation / Guided Meditation

Bring your dreams into reality with this guided meditation for manifestation using your third eye chakra.

Tips for your meditation practice: 
* This is your practice and there is no wrong way to meditate. Take what you need and let go of the rest.
* If you're still learning to meditate, feel free to play this guided meditation in the background as you work or do chores.
* Even if you meditate for 1 minute, the experience still counts!

Pair this meditation with a physical practice Yoga for Manifesting to really ground and groove in the vibe!

Visit Adriana at: https://www.mindful-dose.com/ or follow her on Instagram @mindful.dose

Follow @boldyogastudio for tips on creating a functional daily yoga practice.

Yoga for When Things Aren't Going Your Way / 20 Minute Yoga

I love being in control. Or at least to have the illusion of being in control. The truth is life is nothing is really in our control except for our perspective. This class is all about releasing the idea of things having to look a certain way and instead leaning into the freedom that comes with accepting things exactly as they are… as my therapist likes to tell me: “Living life on life’s terms.”

This doesn’t mean we need to dismiss our emotions or force any change, rather it’s an invitation to accept what is our relax our grip on trying to control…maybe just a little bit.

Class Mantra (let your mind rest on this phrase while you move):

Everything is working out for my benefit. I live life on life’s terms.

*I do not mirror in this video, so it will look like I’m moving in the opposite direction as you. Follow my verbal directions or follow along visually (in which case you will be moving opposite to my verbal direction).

Follow @boldyogastudio for tips on creating a functional daily yoga practice.

One-Legged Sage Pose Variations / No Prop Yoga


A full body flow class that includes mobility and strength challenges that will promote trying different variations of One Legged Sage Pose. There’s even some arm balances thrown in!

NO PROPS NECESSARY- but feel free to use a yoga strap (pair of leggings or sweatshirt for ease) or folded blanket for comfort.

Modified poses will be suggested throughout the class. Please keep in mind that some of the sequences or movements in this class may be challenging if you are just learning the poses, have limited mobility, or sensitivity. However, you always have the option to try whatever works for your body and opt out of poses / take breaks during sequences that don’t work for you right now.

Originally Taught on Facebook on September 7, 2020.

Follow @boldyogastudio for tips on creating a functional daily yoga practice.

Standing Yoga / 30 Minute Yoga


Energize your body with this “no knees” standing sequence yoga class with Dawn. This pose series will help you improve balance, strength, and flexibility.

Please keep in mind that while this is a beginners class, some of the sequences or movements in this class may still be challenging if you are just learning the poses, have limited mobility, or sensitivity. However, you always have the option to try whatever works for your body and opt out of poses / take breaks during sequences that don’t work for you right now.

Follow @boldyogastudio for tips on creating a functional daily yoga practice.

Finding Peace in Sadness / Guided Meditation

Bring peace along with you as you navigate through feelings of sadness and grief. This meditation will help you find strength in a few moments of peace to help you feel uplifted after experiencing waves of sadness.

Tips for your meditation practice: 
* This is your practice and there is no wrong way to meditate. Take what you need and let go of the rest.
* If you're still learning to meditate, feel free to play these guided meditations in the background as you work, or do chores.
* Even if you meditate for 1 minute, the experience still counts!

For more information on Adriana, visit: https://www.mindful-dose.com/ or follow her on Instagram @mindful.dose

Follow @boldyogastudio for tips on creating a functional daily yoga practice.

Confidence Boost / Under 10 Minute Yoga

This under 10 minute express class will give you the confidence boost you need to fire you up and ground you in your personal power. My hope is that this class will raise you out of low energy into high vibes so you can feel strong, ready, and unstoppable.

Class Mantra (let your mind rest on this phrase while you move):

I am powerful! I am strong! I am (insert any word that fires you up)!

*I do not mirror in this video, so it will look like I’m moving in the opposite direction as you. Follow my verbal directions or follow along visually (in which case you will be moving opposite to my verbal direction).

Follow @boldyogastudio for community love and connection!

Half Heron Mermaid Bind / No Prop Yoga


This is an intermediate class because of mobility transitions, however don’t let that stop you (if you consider yourself a beginner) from giving it a try! There’s a heavy focus on hips in this class which gets us good and prepped to try our peak pose: a Half Heron Mermaid Bind!

NO PROPS NECESSARY- but feel free to use a yoga strap (pair of leggings or sweatshirt for ease) or folded blanket for comfort.

Modified poses will be suggested throughout the class. Keep in mind that this class may be extra challenging if you are just learning the poses or have limited mobility. However, you always have the option try whatever works for you and your body and opt out of poses / take breaks during sequences that don’t work for you right now.

Originally Taught on Facebook on July 13, 2020.