Chair Yoga: Deep Stretch / 25 Minute Yoga
Practice pratyahara by moving in silence, play your own music, or vibe to one of our BOLD PLAYLISTS.
Use a sturdy chair with all four legs planted evenly and firmly on the floor to help ground, stabilize, and support you as you move. As always, adjust the position of any pose to fit your comfort.
End or begin your practice with a meditation:
Warrior I / 23 Minute Yoga
Move deeper into your Warrior 1 poses; find length in your body, engage your muscle memory, and experience the freedom of moving through your practice with effortless flow and precision.
No props necessary.
Practice pratyahara by moving in silence, play your own music, or vibe to one of our BOLD PLAYLISTS.
Deepen your time on the mat with a meditation before or after your asana practice:
Session 1 / 30 Minute Yoga
Enjoy a gentle yoga practice that focuses on slow, mindful movement with an emphasis on personalizing your own practice.
No props necessary… but they make every practice better!
Practice pratyahara by moving in silence, play your own music, or vibe to one of our BOLD PLAYLISTS.
Expand your practice with a Meditation to start or end your time on the mat:
Magnetize Love / 9 Minute Breathwork Practice
In this breathwork practice we will be using 2 Part Breath to blast away obstacles blocking our inner love light from shining and Kapalbhati to clear the rubble away, cleanse the heart, and create space to share and receive more love.
Pregnant people
People with high blood pressure
People with heart disease
People with hernia, ulcers, or have had abdominal surgery
People with spinal issues or respiratory problems
People with viral infections
Go back to the opening visualization during the Kapalbhati practice.
Magnetize Love Yoga / 26 Minute Yoga
Activate your heart center so you can’t help but soak in and attract some serious love vibes!
Play your own music that will help you get into a magnetizing energy or move to one of our BOLD PLAYLISTS.
Winter Solstice Live Yoga Class
Celebrate the return of the sun and the beginning of longer days!
Set the cozy core vibes for a winter that’s overflowing with steaming mugs, flickering candles, and thick warm socks!
None of these are necessary to take class but they can come in handy / are fun to use:
Yoga Blocks (bring the floor closer to you)
Yoga Strap (helps us get deeper into our shoulder stretches)
Towel (for extra knee padding, if you have knee pain)
2 lb. hand weights (the extra weight builds muscle + get our muscles juicy, faster)
Taught live on December 21, 2024
Chair Yoga: Arm Strength / 20 Minute Yoga
Practice pratyahara by moving in silence, play your own music, or vibe to one of our BOLD PLAYLISTS.
Use a sturdy chair with all four legs planted evenly and firmly on the floor to help ground, stabilize, and support you as you move. As always, adjust the position of any pose to fit your comfort.
Opening Up to Change / 25 Minute Yoga
Calm your nervous system and release some feel good endorphins to help you get comfortable with adjusting to or welcoming in change.
Practice pratyahara by moving in silence, play your own music, or vibe to one of our BOLD PLAYLISTS.
Box Breathing / 6 minute Breathwork Practice
Sama Vritti Pranayama also known as Box Breathing or Equal Ratio Breathing is one of the quickest breathework practices to drop yourself into a calm state. A fast and effective way to ease panic, release worry, and get the nervous system back under control.
Pro Tip: practice while sitting in traffic or standing in line to see this beauty in action.
Pregnant people: Should practice equal breathing without holding the breath, NEVER RETAIN YOUR BREATH WHEN PREGNANT
People with high blood pressure: Should not hold their breath after inhaling
People with low blood pressure: Should not hold their breath after exhaling
People with lung conditions: May have difficulty taking deep breaths, and should proceed with caution
After watching the video for the first time, you can go right into the practice by skipping to minute 1:30.
Surya Namaskar A & B / 25 Minute Yoga
Become comfortable with the poses in Surya Namaskar A and B (the core sequences that most yoga classes are built from).
No props necessary.
Practice pratyahara by moving in silence, play your own music, or vibe to one of our BOLD PLAYLISTS.
Get Out of Your Funk / 20 Minute Yoga
Get out of your slump and to the other side where the vivacious you parties. In 20 minutes, we’ll move out stale energy and access an immediate burst of fresh spark and zest!
No props necessary.
Fall Equinox Live Yoga Class
Align with the rhythm of nature.
As day and night come into perfect balance, we harness that harmony and celebrate the seasonal shift ahead; bringing in a Fall that's overflowing with fulfillment, companionship, and pumpkin spice!
None of these are necessary to take class but they can come in handy / are fun to use:
Yoga Blocks (bring the floor closer to you)
Yoga Strap (helps us get deeper into our shoulder stretches)
Towel (for extra knee padding, if you have knee pain)
2 lb. hand weights (the extra weight builds muscle + get our muscles juicy, faster)
Taught live on Sept. 22, 2024
Unlock Your Flexibility / 33 Minute Yoga
I LOVE a good flexibility class. Afterwards I feel like I stand taller, move more freely, and have an renewed emotional elasticity. When my body feels less tight and constricted, I’m less likely to fall into a sour mood or short temper flare. Flexibility in my body leads to flexibility in my daily experience.. plus there’s the added bonus of being less injury and accident prone. All in all increasing your comfort factor with a juicy flexibility class is where it’s at.
No props necessary.
If you’d like to go right into the physical practice, skip to the 5:50 minute mark.
Yoga to Unwind / 20 Minute Yoga
Take these 20 minutes to allow yourself to fully unwind and relax, a nourishing and healing practice for an overwhelmed / overworked body and mind.
No props necessary.
Follow @boldyogastudio for tips on creating a functional daily yoga practice.
Breathing For Your Pelvic Floor / 15 minute Breathework Practice
I practiced these breathing techniques everyday during my pelvic floor rehabilitation journey; healing from complete bladder incontinence to regaining full control of my bladder and returning to normal function!
Don’t worry if you feel like you can’t feel anything or you’re struggling to isolate your muscles groups. I couldn’t feel a single thing for awhile (easily a couple of weeks) in the beginning and to be honest I’m still learning to isolate the muscles…sometime I get it, most of the time I don’t, all the time I’m trying my best and keeping my focus on the engagement.
*DO NOT PRACTICE THIS TECHNIQUE IF YOU ARE PREGNANT OR BELIEVE YOU MIGHT BE PREGNANT. Breath retentions can increase intra-abdominal pressure and reduce the amount of oxygen available to the baby.
After watching the video for the first time, you can go right into the practice by skipping to minute 2:23.
Move with Ease / 60 Minute Yoga
Let’s get into our joint mobility (the joint's ability to move freely through its range of motion). We’ll focus on building strength and suppleness in the ligaments and muscles in order to allow our joints to move with more freedom and ease.
NO PROPS NECESSARY- but feel free to use yoga blocks (or stack of books) or folded blanket for comfort.
Please keep in mind that some of the sequences or movements in this class may be challenging if you are just learning the poses, have limited mobility, or sensitivity. However, you always have the option to try whatever works for your body and opt out of poses / take breaks during sequences that don’t work for you right now.
Originally Taught on Facebook on June 30, 2022.
Chair Yoga: Energizing Poses / 30 Minute Yoga
In this Chair Yoga class with Sam, we will move through a series of postures that will heat up and energize the body. Use a sturdy chair with all four legs planted evenly and firmly on the floor to help ground, stabilize, and support you as you move to the best of our own individual ability. Follow along with any modification cues that feel right for you and remember to adjust the position of any pose to fit your comfort.
THE POSES IN THIS CLASS MAY BE CHALLENGING: Never hold any pose that causes discomfort. You never have to hold a pose in a specific way, for the full count duration, or complete the full exercise set. Do what you can, when you can. Take breaks and when you are ready, rejoin the class. Feel into the freedom of creating your own practice that works best for you in your body.
Follow @boldyogastudio for tips on creating a functional daily yoga practice.
Pelvic Floor Express / 12 Minute Yoga
Born from my own personal struggle with drips and leaks after having my baby boy, this class includes many of the exercises I used to regain control and reestablish pelvic floor strength. Rebuilding the pelvic floor can be a slow healing process with embarrassing setbacks but we can keep moving forward together. Whether you experience drips when you laugh, cough, or sneeze OR leaks before making it to the bathroom, you are not alone. This class is here for you and will support your pelvic floor progress.
If (after this class) you still feel like there’s more room for improvement, visit a pelvic floor specialist. We do not have to accept leaks and drips as inevitable!
Chair Yoga: Head to Toe Stretch / 40 Minute Yoga
In this Chair Yoga class with Sam, we will move through a series of postures that will stretch your body from head to toe. Use a sturdy chair with all four legs planted evenly and firmly on the floor to help ground, stabilize, and support you as you move to the best of our own individual ability. Follow along with any modification cues that feel right for you and remember to adjust the position of any pose to fit your comfort.
THERE ARE SOME POSES IN THIS CLASS THAT MAY BE CHALLENGING: Never hold any pose that causes discomfort. You never have to hold a pose in a specific way, for the full count duration, or complete the full exercise set. Do what you can, when you can. Take breaks and when you are ready, rejoin the class. Feel into the freedom of creating your own practice that works best for you in your body.
Follow @boldyogastudio for tips on creating a functional daily yoga practice.