3 Yoga Poses to Find the Motivation to get Yourself Dressed in the Morning

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Let’s be honest, what’s the point of getting dressed when you’re staying in? Here are some poses to start the day with movement and motivation…. maybe you’ll even shampoo your hair? Nah… Let’s just all get on a shirt that doesn’t have a stain and call it a win!

Seated Sun Breaths

Begin by sitting in easy pose (criss cross your legs) and bring your hands to your sides.  Inhale and reach your arms around and up; gaze moves up to watch your palms touch above your head.  Exhale your arms back down to your sides; gaze lowers down to look at your lap. Repeat for several breathes; inhaling/ arms up, exhaling/ arms down.

Seated Cat/Cow

Begin by sitting in easy pose (criss cross your legs) and bring your palms down on your knees or shins.  Take an inhale and pull your chest forward, lifting your chin up to the ceiling (creating a “c” curve in your spin).  Exhale, round your back and tuck your chin to your chest. Move back and forth through this spinal wake-up for several breaths.

Seated Laced Finger/ Neck Stretch

Begin by sitting in easy pose (criss cross your legs) and bring your hands to your sides.  Inhale and reach your arms around and up; palms touch above your head. Exhale your arms back down and lace your fingers behind your back.  Pull the fist away from your back (maybe coming into a baby back bend). Move the laced finger fist to the right hip as you gently draw the right ear down to the right shoulder.  Squeeze the elbows together behind your back. Release the hands. Inhale and reach your arms around and up; palms touch above your head. Exhale your arms back down and lace your fingers behind your back (place the opposite thumb on top).  Pull the fist away (maybe coming into a baby back bend). Move the laced finger fist to the left hip, as you gently draw the left ear to the left shoulder. Squeeze the elbows together behind your back. Release.

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