Yoga for Receiving an Answer / 30 Minute Yoga
Movement is one of my favorite ways to receive an answer or clarity around a question or situation. Use this class to ground and calm, clearing room to hear intuitive guidance.
Class Mantra (let your mind rest on this phrase while you move)
I am willing to receive an answer. I trust my inner guidance.
Please keep in mind that some of the sequences or movements in this class may be challenging if you are just learning the poses, have limited mobility, or sensitivity. However, you always have the option to try whatever works for your body and opt out of poses / take breaks during sequences that don’t work for you right now.
Tips for getting into Toe Stand:
Deep breath in, making a “shhhh” sound as you release the breath through your mouth. The “shhh” sound will help to engage the core; draw the belly button towards the spine and lift the knees in one motion. Try it and let it go. You’ll train your core to engage and support this pose with practice.
*I do not mirror in this video, so it will look like I’m moving in the opposite direction as you. Follow my verbal directions or follow along visually (in which case you will be moving opposite to my verbal direction).
Journal Prompt
(best Practice: do this exercise before taking the class):
Get out your journal or the notes app in your phone. (I prefer physical writing when I’m engaging my spiritual practice but you do you!!). Write down the question / situation (try to be as clear and concise as possible). Free write on the situation: here’s where you can allow all the angles, fears, and questions to come up and out onto the paper. When you’ve written all that you want to write, go back to your original question / situation: Take a deep breath in, let the free write go. Exhale the breath, trust that you will be guided to receive clarity.
Get ready to receive guidance. It may come at any time through during class or in the days after. It may come through nudges, inspiration, new ideas, people around you… listen in!
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