“I don’t see color” is NOT the answer or the ideal. In fact, it is a form of racism. To deny color, is to deny our fellow humans’ experience. By 3 months, babies are already tracking and responding to skin color (Hirschfield, 2008). How then can you begin the continual conversation of race in your home?
ADD color to your shelves!! Add color to their play and their environment: actively add voices and perspectives into your home; have what they hear, the artwork they see, the books they read, the toys they play with reflect inclusivity and love you wish to teach them as a parent or caregiver!
Reading stories aloud together builds vocabulary, improves comprehension, and promotes speech development. It also provides moments of discussion and lessons. I encourage you to add color to your bookshelves. PLEASE use this list as a starting point to teach and talk about race in your home and with your children as early as possible!