How are we all doing? ….. Our best. Your little ones have had their lives flipped upside down (you have too). And while it’s easy for us to sometimes forget just how intuitive our children are, the truth is they are 100% aware of the right now stress of our global community. They can feel YOUR stress and they have some of their own: Why can’t they see their favorite Aunt or Grandpa? Why can’t they go to the park? When the hell will it stop raining? Why is this sibling (that used to go away all day) now suddenly in their space ALL THE TIME? Yeah, their lives are super challenging right now. As they process, they’ll express all the emotions you feel as you process. So focus might be off, peace might be off, and meltdowns might be happening with much more frequency AND MUCH MORE CHARGE! Try these poses when a meltdown needs soothing:
Clap-It-Outs for Refocus
Have your child reach their arms out to their sides (parallel to the floor) and wiggle and reach their fingers as wide as they can. Count to 3 together and then have them clap their hands together and rub; make sure they take their time with rubbing their hands together. When the friction of the hand rubbing has created warmth, have them place their hands on a body part (i.e. head, tummy, etc); with hands resting on the body part, take a deep breath in and release. Repeat as many times and on as many body parts as needed. I usually do it 3x: head, tummy, heart.
Bee Pose for Calm
Have your child start this pose by sitting on their heels. Next, have them reach their arms back behind them and wiggle their fingers like fluttering wings. Direct your child to take a deep breath and slowly lean forward until they are able to gently rest the top of their head on the ground in front of their knees, as they lean have them release their breath in an audible “Buzzzzzz”. When they want to come back up, have them lower their arms first, before slowly returning to their original kneeling position.
Ladybug Hugs to Receive Self Love
Have your child reach their hands out to their sides (parallel to the floor). Stretch the arms out as wide as possible then have them wiggle their right fingers to their left shoulder. PAUSE. Wiggle their left fingers to their right shoulder. Once each hand is on a shoulder (or as close to as they can manage), have them twist and give their right hand a little kiss. And then have them twist and give their left hand a little kiss.
Butterfly Kisses to Receive YOUR Love
For this pose, ask them to sit on their bottoms and bring the soles of their feet together. Begin to gently lift and lower the knees, like butterfly wings flapping. When they have tried this, ask them to tickle their shoulders with their fingers and then have them pause (keeping their fingertips resting on their shoulders). Now direct them to lift and lower their elbows (just like their knees). Have them try to lift and lower their elbows AND knees AT THE SAME TIME. Do this exercise with them, sharing a moment, and giving them your full attention.