Contact Paper
Paper Plate
Tissue Paper, Crayons, Colored Rice
Yarn or Ribbon
Hole Puncher
Step One:
*Cover the Paper Plate in Tissue Paper or Color the Paper Plate with crayons, markers, paint, etc.
Step Two:
*Fold Paper Plate in half and cut out half a heart.
Step Three:
*Cut a square of Contact Paper and stick it behind the heart (covering the entire heart cut out space), STICK SIDE UP! Punch a hole in the top of the paper plate.
Step Four:
*Sprinkle Rice onto the Contact Paper or stick down pieces of tissue paper. Cut and Tie string through the hole at the top of the Paper Plate. Hang in a window!
To Make Colorful Sensory Rice:
Measure rice into a container with a lid (I put 1 cup of rice into a ziplock bag).
Add 1 teaspoon of white vinegar to the rice. Add 1 or 2 drops of food coloring as desired (deeper color= more food coloring).
Cover the container (or zip up the bag) and SHAKE the rice vigorously for a minute or two. Make sure all the rice is covered in the vinegar/food coloring mixture.
Spread the colored rice on a paper towel or a tray in even layer to dry.