Plow Pose- all the benefits of an inversion (upside down poses) while keeping the child grounded on the floor. This pose calms and relaxes the nerves, brain and heart while still being more active than motionless. It’s a unique shape which might be the simple change your toddler’s body needs.
Clap it out- the best motion meditation; requiring just enough changes to draw in your toddler’s attention and refocus excessive energy. Prompt your child to reach their hands out to their sides (parallel to the floor). Count to 3 and then clap hands together and rub. Keeping rubbing until hands warm up and then place them on a body part (i.e. head). Take a deep breath in. And repeat as many times on as many body parts as needed. I usually do it 3x: head, tummy, heart.
Wish candle- a quieter meditation; bring hands in prayer position in front of the heart. Prompt your child to think of something happy or offer them a happy thought. Take a deep breathe in and blow the happy thought out (blowing out the candle with their happy wish).
Happy Baby- Once the child has grabbed their feet, I gently nudge them side to side. Rock them all the way over to one side then gently knocked them over to the other and let the giggles begin.
Hug your knees and rock- NEVER underestimate a good hug and rock. For toddlers simply allow them to rock side to side or simply lay there hugging their knees to their bellies. For older children, allow them to rock up and down (forward and backward) along their spine. It’s like the yoga version of a nice rock in a rocking chair.