Shelf Under: Eliminate the Word Gap

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EDUCATIONAL SUCCESS  is directly linked to the number of words heard and learned before a child even enters school!  The word gap between children of different economic classes is super troubling in its implications of a child’s future education.  By 3 years of age, there is a 30 million word gap between children from the wealthiest and those of the poorest. This word gap continues to influence a child as they enter early education, following them through elementary school and beyond.  A child’s vocabulary is based on the unique words they hear and interact with. But here’s the thing we are ALL able to kickstart a child’s vocabulary bank in any interactions you may have (as care-givers, day-care providers, family members, etc.) by intentionally promoting these three easy strategies:  

#1. READ- if you are a parent, a care-giver, a teacher, a librarian... whoever: READ them books… each picture book provides multiple opportunities for learning unique words  

#2. SPEAK- use proper words and begin conversing with the child in infancy; full conversation NOT baby speech.  Encourage comments, questions, thoughts and feelings sharing, etc. And SING!! Melodies such as nursery rhymes and other songs are incredibly useful in developing vocabulary and promoting memorization and learning.  

#3. INTERACT with language- point out objects and their names; whenever possible, provide an example of a new word.  Explain what more complicated words mean. Use facial expressions to help engage and identify.  

Language development is dependent on children experiencing language; share language learning opportunities and maybe, as a community, we can increase every child’s word experience not just those in our own homes….