Bold Yoga & Bendy Bookworm

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Indoor Activities with Kids: Duck Craft and Story Time

Ideal for ages 18 months - 5 years old. This is a perfect craft for practicing using scissors, drawing shapes, and using the proper amount of glue (yeah, we all know that one takes practice!!). It’s a simple craft for you and a challenging (but definitely do-able) craft for them!


Paper Plate or White Paper cut into a semicircle (preferably heavier paper like construction or cardstock)
Black Construction Paper (if available)
Colored Tissue Paper (if available)
Googley eyes (if available)

Step One: 

*Fold paper plate in half (or cut a semicircle out of white paper)
*Tear and glue down pieces of yellow tissue paper 
*Color semicircle with crayons/markers

Step Two: 

*Trace and cut out a circle on yellow paper (or white paper and color yellow) for the head.
*Trace and cut out a triangle on orange paper (or white paper and color yellow) for the beak.
*Glue beak to head.
*Glue on googley eyes OR draw eyes.

Step Three: 

*Glue duck head to body.

Pair With:

These titles can be found on overdrive/ hoopla, ebook catalogs
you may be able to access with your library card!