Bold Yoga & Bendy Bookworm

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Yoga for Manifesting / 20 Minute Yoga

Get into a flow so you can feel the feelings of what you want to call into your life already being in your life NOW.

Class Mantra (let your mind rest on this phrase while you move):

[Thing you want] is here! It came easily and effortlessly. It’s here and it feels so good

PLEASE NOTE: This class is marked as INTERMEDIATE because it includes poses that will challenge your balance. However, you can make this class more accessible by bringing yourself closer to a wall or placing yoga blocks at the top of your mat (to bring the ground up to your hands)!

EDIT to the Following Verbal Cue Errors:
at 3:45 minute mark- I say “…lower into your forward fold.” You should be lowering the chest down to the ground deepening into your child’s pose.

at 3:50 minute mark- I say “…coming into a comfortable forward fold…” You should move into a comfortable child’s pose, whatever that may look like in your body.

at 14:59 minute mark- I say “…take your left leg and bend it to the outside of the right hip..” You should be bending your LEFT leg, not your right.

*I do not mirror in this video, so it will look like I’m moving in the opposite direction as you. Follow my verbal directions or follow along visually (in which case you will be moving opposite to my verbal direction).



Get out your journal or the notes app in your phone. (I prefer physical writing when I’m engaging my spiritual practice but you do you!!). Write down what it is you desire. Get clear! This might be challenging- a lot of the times there’s baggage around what it is we truly want. Take some times to explore and dig to the root desire. Once you have it: write out why you want it, what it would bring into your life, how it would serve you and those around you. Become clear in your “why’s”. Take a deep breath in and feel as if your desire has already arrived (what would you be doing? thinking? saying? in this exact moment.) Exhale the breath out.

Come back to the feeling of the desire already being yours, already being integrated into your experience. Stay in the feeling for as long as you can (even if it’s only one full breath round). Practice this yoga class coming back into the feeling as frequently as you can!

One of the best books for learning to use manifesting principles:
Make it Happen: Manifest the Life of Your Dreams by Jordanna Levin