Black History Month: Books For Tweens
Welcome to Black History Month!! Now is the perfect opportunity to open your home to the incredible accomplishments, discoveries, and undeniable influence the African American culture has had on America. USE this time to showcase talent, creativity, and genius! Investigate, learn, and admire their history and their impact!
Teach your children inclusivity and empathy by ALWAYS adding new ideas into their environment; have what they hear, the artwork they see, the books they read, and the toys they play with reflect diversity and love!
Consider reading these stories together to encourage moments of discussion and bonding; add Black authors to your bookshelves. PLEASE use this list as a starting point to enjoy stories that celebrate Black talent:
The Magic in Changing Your Stars by Leah Henderson
For Ages: 8- 12 years old
For Purchase: The Lit. Bar: Bookstore & Chill
Serena Says by Tanita S. Davis
For Ages: 8- 12 years old
For Purchase: The Lit. Bar: Bookstore & Chill
Ikenga by Nnedi Okorafor
For Ages: 10- 12 years old
For Purchase: The Lit. Bar: Bookstore & Chill
Something to Say by Lisa Moore Ramee
For Ages: 8- 12 years old
For Purchase: The Lit. Bar: Bookstore & Chill
Better Before X by Ilyasah Shabazz and Renee Watson
For Ages: 10- 14 years old
For Purchase: The Lit. Bar: Bookstore & Chill
From the desk of Zoe Washington by Janae Marks
For Ages: 8-12 years old
For Purchase: The Lit. Bar: Bookstore & Chill