Bold Yoga & Bendy Bookworm

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Yoga Games For 1st- 3rd Graders

When teaching to 6 and ups, you can begin to flow a bit more; their attention will hold for several poses together, their memory ability is more advanced, and their motor skills are much more developed.  Yoga games can become a little bit more challenging; less about learning and more about recall. These are some favorites:

Yogi Says

Simon Says with a Yogi Twist; call out and perform different poses while the children watch and copy ONLY the poses you do AFTER saying “Yogi Says”.  i.e. “Yogi Says Downward Facing Dog” (pose they will copy) / “Warrior I” (pose they shouldn’t be tricked into copying). They love this game! It’s a great way to transition between class sequences or to fill time at the end.  It can also be used to warm them up or slow them down (just alter the speed and pose choices accordingly).

Yoga Freeze Dance

Similar to the game played with the 5 and under’s; play a song for free movement expression.  On the pause, for this age group, you will yell out a specific pose for them to try to remember and practice. 
***For a “musical chairs” variation: place pose cards on the floor, when the song is paused they have to land on a card and perform the pose. 

Sun Races

I usually start class with this: We’ll do one or two Sun Salutation sequences together slowly.  Then we move on to one or two a bit faster, moving through them on breath.  Finally, I let them race the sequence with me. It’s challenging for them to remember each pose. They have a lot of fun trying to hit each pose and go as fast as they can.  It’s a great way to warm them up, get them laughing, and enjoying themselves. When we start the class with laughter, they are more willing to try different poses throughout the rest of the class time.

Hot Block (Hot Potato)

 Have the children sit in a circle, in modified boat pose.  Place a foam block between the feet of several children (strategically spread around the circle).  Play some music and tell the students to pass the blocks from feet to feet (trying NOT to use their hands) around the circle….until the music stops! A ridiculous core exercise that will help them with balance, coordination, and stress (teaching them to breathe when the pressure is on).  Keep it fun… no one has to be out!
***For Added Level of Difficulty: Pass the block is full modified Boat Pose (HANDS OFF THE FLOOR)!!!

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