Clap-and-Rub Motion Meditation
This Motion Meditation is my go to for focusing attention, releasing excessive energy, task transitions for the classroom or moving from one activity to the next with your toddler. This motion meditation can work for pretty much any scenario; it’s super easy for a caregiver to execute and works so well with toddlers because it hits some key elements for engagement:
#1. Movement: moving the hands from out wide to a clap, to rubbing, to rest on a body part keeps their attention engaged because it is constantly changing movement.
#2. Counting: I usually have the children count to three as they reach their arms wide; triggering the learning skill of counting (for older children there’s comfort in the repetition of counting).
#3. Memory: Repeatedly using this meditation helps with order memory: “What body part comes next?”
Involving those engagement skills makes it such a successful motion meditation! Here’s how it works:
Step 1: Reach arms out wide to the side, wiggle fingers as you STRETCH wide, and count to three.
Step 2: Clap hands together and rub to create warmth between the palms. I rub until they tell me their hands are warm.
Step 3: Place hands on bellies and take a deep breath in and release the breath out.
Repeat the Steps moving the hands from the belly, to the head, and finally resting on the heart.
If you’d like to practice more motion meditations with your toddler, watch and move to my FREE toddler yoga video: “Good Morning!” Just fill out the form below, receive the link and press play!