Bold Yoga & Bendy Bookworm

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3 Yoga Poses for Neck Pain

From your kid, a fall down the stairs, or just carrying too much…

Puppy Pose

Begin in tabletop position (wrists in line with shoulders/ knees in line with hips).  Walk your hands towards the top of your mat (or if you don’t have a mat: farther out in front of you) so that your arms are extended, stretching forward.  Keep the length of the arms lifted off the ground while actively drawing your chest down to the ground. For a deeper shoulder stretch, rest the hands on a block or lower the forearms to the ground while keeping the upper arms elevated.  Rest for at least a minute.

Shoulder Stretch

Lay on your stomach with your arms stretched out in a “T” position.  Bring the right ear to the ground which brings your gaze towards your left hand. Walk the left hand in (closer to your face) and elevate the left elbow.  Use the leverage of the left hand to anchor your shoulder stretch as you lift the left leg up and back towards the right hand. Repeat on opposite shoulder.      

Neck Roll

Sit in easy pose and slowly draw your chin down towards your chest.  Rest the right forearm on the back of the head and allow the weight of the arm to draw the head down (roll the shoulders down and back away from the ears).  After several breaths, bring your right hand over to your left ear and draw the right ear towards the right shoulder. Reach the left hand out and down to the ground at your side. Repeat on the opposite side.  

Need a moment to yourself to practice the poses above? Fill out the form below and receive a FREE Bendy Bookworm Yoga Video for child.

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